Saturday, November 7, 2015

Lotto Max Canada Numbers

Lotto Max


Draw date: Nov 6, 2015

01 10 12 20 29 35 47  Bonus: 04

Maxmillions Draw

Draw date: Nov 6, 2015

01 03 10 17 20 30 47
01 05 11 18 41 46 48
01 06 11 23 39 44 47
01 12 23 24 27 42 47
02 03 09 31 36 41 46
02 04 12 24 34 39 42
02 06 20 22 24 25 45
03 06 15 21 29 32 40
04 09 16 22 27 29 35
04 13 18 33 38 44 48
04 14 30 32 37 44 47
05 08 18 28 37 43 49
06 08 14 16 41 44 49
06 08 29 37 42 45 48
06 12 18 22 24 41 43
07 11 21 37 38 41 43
07 17 31 36 38 48 49
08 12 13 24 26 30 38
08 14 21 24 27 38 49
10 13 15 17 22 38 48
11 15 19 24 32 43 45
19 24 27 30 32 45 49
27 31 35 39 44 47 49 

The $60,000,000.00 Lotto Max Jackpot  was shared by two  tickets purchased in Edmonton and The Atlantic Provinces. This Friday's Jackpot is an estimated $23 Million.
The prize of $185,421.80 in the Lotto Max 6/7 Plus Bonus were won by four lucky tickets purchased in Edmonton, Quebec(2), and the Atlantic Provinces.
10 of the 23 $1 Million MAXMILLIONS prizes were won. Tickets winning MAXMILLIONS prizes were purchased in Winnipeg, Alberta, Subscription, Ontario(8), Quebec(2), and the Atlantic Provinces.

Lottery luck exceeds number of electrons in universe?

But isn’t that precisely what naturalism teaches about everything?
Further to When organized crime got ID? (There always needs to be someone whose knowledge is in fact an intelligent commentary for a naturalist theory of mind to be valid, which means by definition that it isn’t), cheating supposedly random lotteries is once again in the news.
National Lottery handout picture of giant lottery balls that are being rolled out to cities across the UKFrom WUSA9, we hear,
WASHINGTON (WUSA9) – A man who sold himself a $1,000,000 winning D.C. Lottery ticket is just one of many retailers a WUSA9 investigation found winning the lottery at rates statisticians say border on impossible.
At least three retailers won the lottery around 100 times according to an analysis of D.C. Lottery records obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.
Statisticians who reviewed the numbers at WUSA9’s request said the numbers stack up in astounding ways.
“What are the odds? Slim,” said George Washington University Statistics Professor Dan Ullman. “Very slim.”
“One in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,” is how the professor estimates the odds of someone having Issaad’s luck. “Larger than the number of electrons in the universe.”
“That is statistically ridiculous. It just doesn’t happen,” says University of Illinois Professor Emeritus John Kindt, an expert in gambling and lottery practices. “With the computer software available to lotteries, these statistical red flags should have alerted lottery regulators as far back as 2012.”
But, of course, if the lottery bosses and players are sold on naturalism, they are not interested in accepting realistic estimates of the odds. They believe that information is available for free, from non-information.
So the smart cookies clean up. The government talks around the problem. The naturalists are out the money—a small price to pay, for maintaining one’s belief system. ðŸ˜‰
This sort of thing has a long history, and we’ve told some of it here. See, for example, Lotteries shocka!!: It ISN’T chance that someone gets multiverse-level lucky: ...Read more ...

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